What I’m Thankful For….

What I’m Thankful For….

Hello MAGIC Listeners,

While deciding what to write this blog post about, I realized that ALL you’ve probably heard lately is all things Christmas. However, there is another holiday coming up this week that people sometimes tend to overlook. I’m talking about Thanksgiving. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I would tell you a little bit about the things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for…

  1. My friends and family. Both those that I have made moving across the country and those still back in my home state. I would not be where I am today without their love and support.
  2. My job. I have worked extremely hard to get to where I am today and I couldn’t be more appreciative to Curtis Media Group for giving me a shot. It has been a long-time goal to work in radio and here I am.
  3. For sunshine and beaches. While I do enjoy a good rainy day, I love that I do not live in a place where it snows anymore. I also love the warmth of this beautiful state and living so close to the ocean.  
  4. My jeep. After losing my last one in an accident, I am thankful I was able to find another one so quickly. I am also thankful to be driving a bigger vehicle, otherwise the deer I hit the other week would have ended in a different outcome.
  5. Lastly, our listeners! My job would not be possible without all of you. I love what I do, and I love being able to entertain. I appreciate all of you for tuning in, listening, and participating. Thank you!

Now I turn it to you, Magic listeners, what are you thankful for? Remember to thank those who matter most in your life and tell them you love them. Life is too short not to. Have a beautiful day ENC!

-Your girl, Haileigh Montana

P.S. It’s Magic!

