Let’s Talk BOOKS!

Let’s Talk BOOKS!

Hello MAGIC Listeners,

One of my favorite things to write about in these blog posts is things I love or enjoy! So, today I
wanted to talk about BOOKS! What I like to read, what I don’t like to read, a few of my favorite
books, and anything else I can think of.

To begin, I am a huge fantasy and romance reader. I enjoy some dark romance, but I tend to
stick to mostly fantasy romance. I’m not a fan of nonfiction or sci-fi. However, I have read a
couple of autobiographies that I enjoyed. I have found that if I can’t connect to the book or get
into it, I struggle to read it. That mostly pertains to nonfiction and sci-fi.

I love reading so much. I can fly through books when I actually take the time to read. I’ve been a
little busy lately, but I’m hoping to get back into my TBR soon. Thus, I want to talk about a few of
my favorite books. Some of which I’m still reading.

  1. The series that really got me into reading… Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.
    While this series is considered a YA series, I fell in love with the world she created. I
    continue to buy and read anything that spins off from this series. Cassandra Clare is an
    amazing author and world builder.
  2. ANYTHING by Sara J. Mass. And I mean anything. I devoured A Court of Thorns and
    Roses series and am currently in the middle of Throne of Glass. While some people say
    her books are slow burn, the attention to detail is immaculate. She has some of the best
    world building and character building I have ever read. I plan to read Crescent City by
    her next.
  3. As for some dark romance that I like… Never After series by Emily McIntire. Every book
    in the series takes a different Disney story and puts a dark spin on it. I love that the spin
    pulls you out of the world of Disney and into worlds of mafia and drug lords. I’m a huge
    Disney person, but I like reading how things could be different in more of a modern
    setting. Emily’s spin on the Disney tales is enthralling.
    I could go on and on about books that I love and enjoy. However, I want to hear from you. What
    do you enjoy reading? What book recommendations do you have? Let me know and enjoy

Your girl, Haileigh Montana

P.S. It’s Magic!

