Category Archives: Blogs

New Bern Christmas Parade 2024!

New Bern Christmas Parade 2024!

A few photos from the New Bern Christmas Parade this past weekend. One nice thing about these kind of events is EVERYBODY pretty much has a front seat (but we still let the kids catch all the candy that’s tossed their way!). Hackettread more »

Where Are They Now???

Where Are They Now???

Hello MAGIC Listeners, One of my favorite things about working for Magic is building a show for you to enjoy. Part ofwhat I built takes place in the 5 o’clock hour. Have you heard it? Are you missing a certain artist from when you were younger? Ever wondered what happened to them? Join me, Haileigh…read more »

Happy Thanksgiving From Hackett!

Happy Thanksgiving From Hackett!

Another Thanksgiving week is about to close. What made it begin in a wonderful way was having such a manageable amount of fellow travelers at the Raleigh Durham airport! Here’s hoping the return trip is much the same. Can’t wait to get home and back on the air at Magic! – Hackettread more »

What I’m Thankful For….

What I’m Thankful For….

Hello MAGIC Listeners, While deciding what to write this blog post about, I realized that ALL you’ve probably heard lately is all things Christmas. However, there is another holiday coming up this week that people sometimes tend to overlook. I’m talking about Thanksgiving. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I would tell you a…read more »

Win Tickets to the NC Symphony!

Win Tickets to the NC Symphony!

Hello MAGIC Listeners, Looking for something fun and unique to do this holiday season? Well, listen to Magic 103.3 and 95.5 during the 4pm hour for your chance to win tickets to the North Carolina Symphony. Two amazing shows, with conductor David Glover. The symphony invites you to, “Celebrate the season with all your festive…read more »

Better Safe Than Sorry!

Better Safe Than Sorry!

Recently I was waiting to turn left at an intersection on my way to the radio station. The car ahead of me also was signaling left. I noticed the approaching car to the left was signaling a right hand turn. The driver ahead of me had enough time to successfully make his left turn out…read more »

Where Are They Now?

Where Are They Now?

Weekdays in the 5p hour! Are you missing a certain artist from when you were younger? Ever wondered what happenedto them? Join Haileigh Montana everyday in the 5 o’clock hour, and see if you can get the right answer! Tell me, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?read more »



Weekdays in the 4p hour! Welcome to the mic, Haileigh Montana! Mixing up Magic with show tunes and your chance towin BIG! It’s MagicTunes everyday in the 4 o’clock hour! Can you guess where the show tune came from or even the name of it? Call in for MagicTunes!read more »

First Time For Everything

First Time For Everything

My son participated in his first Pinewood Derby recently. Our first father/son experience of assembling and decorating his entry in the races resulted in a solid wood police car, at his request. Unfortunately, his vehicle didn’t beat any others across the finish line but still took home a trophy for best appearance. He was more…read more »

Just Had To Do It!

Just Had To Do It!

I decided to do something about forgetting to take my cell phone to work. After the third time of accidentally leaving it at home, I put up a cell phone graphic by the front door to remind me not to leave it behind.After all, without it, it’s like having lost an arm or a leg.…read more »

